iPS向肝臟細胞定向分化操作系統 (Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System)
以肝臟細胞為模型的實驗越來越受到重視,在肝臟病變機理研究、藥物代謝研究、藥物毒理評估等方面有廣闊的應用前景。然而,以個體原代肝細胞為材料來源會產生如取材困難、材料批間差大、無法長期穩定供應等一系列難以克服的問題。因此,通過iPS批量轉化生產肝細胞的方法就顯示出特別的優勢。Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System可以穩定地、規?;貙崿FiPS向hepatocyte的誘導轉化生產,而且誘導轉化出的肝細胞能夠穩定表達藥物代謝相關酶系統和藥物轉運系統。 Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System是一套Do-It-Yourself系統,客戶既可以對某個特殊病人來源的iPS實現轉化,也可以利用cellartis供應的iPS進行標準化操作。使用本產品的過程起始于誘導人iPS轉化成為確定性內胚層(Definitive Endoderm (DE))細胞,然后誘導轉化DE至肝細胞。本產品是All-In-One型產品,實驗所需的培養基、基質(coating)等包括在內。應用本產品轉化約3 × 106 hiPS cells,可以獲得約5 × 106 肝細胞(大約50 cm2面積的單層貼壁細胞)。 利用Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System轉化得到的肝細胞除了清晰表現出肝細胞的*特征外(如肝細胞特異性標志物、CYP系列酶等),還保留了原始細胞供體者的遺傳基因背景。另外,相比較從組織切除獲得的原代肝臟細胞(通常需要低溫保存),通過本產品系統轉化獲得的肝細胞在更長的時間跨度上保持著生理功能的穩定性。這一點對于毒理學評估和病毒感染評估具有顯著的意義。為長時間維持培養hiPS轉化而來的肝細胞,我們推薦Cellartis Hepatocyte Maintenance Medium (Cat. No. Y30051)。
■ 產品特點
· Highly reproducible, robust system—the exact same protocol has been shown to work across 25 different iPS cell lines, so no need to optimize for your lines. · Ideal for drug metabolism and safety studies—consistently generate panels of >90% pure, functional, hiPS cell-derived hepatocytes with diverse genetic backgrounds. · Customized starting materials—start with any disease-relevant iPS cell lines and create accurate liver disease models. · Ready for personalized medicine—make patient-specific, disease-specific cells for therapeutic applications. · Extended experimental window—hepatocytes can be used for a minimum of 11 days for functional tests.
■ 產品成分
· Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System (Y30020, not sold separay) · Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit (Y30030, not sold separay) · Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit (Y30050)
Code No.
Cellartis® iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System
1 Kit
Cellartis® Hepatocyte Maintenance Medium
100 ml
■ 產品詳情
Immunocytochemistry analysis of hepatocyte differentiation. hiPS cells were differentiated into functional hepatocytes using the Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System. Hepatocytes were immunostained to detect early hepatic markers HNF4α (red, nuclear) and CK18 (green) on days 14 and 21. As the hepatocytes matured, expression of liver-specific markers CYP3A (red, cytoplasmic) and Albumin (green) increased as seen on day 28, as expected. Cell nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue).